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Consumer Goods Logistics

Warehouse Automation for Consumer Electronics

Revolutionizing Consumer Electronics Fulfillment

Future-Proof Your System

The fast-paced consumer electronics market poses many challenges for manufacturers and distributors. Demand volatility, ever-evolving products, and the need for a delicate material handling process necessitate efficient and scalable consumer electronics logistics. 

Automated technology from TGW Logistics makes omni channel fulfillment possible for electronics companies looking to speed up throughput and increase volume. Our solutions support fully automated and manual workflows to create a high-performance infrastructure tailored to your business needs. 

Advanced Technology for Smooth Consumer Goods Logistics in the Electronics Industry

Our experts have extensive knowledge and experience in consumer electronic logistics. They’ll collaborate closely with you to identify pain points and design a strategy for integrating the right automated systems into your workflow. 

Our Industry Experience Speaks for Itself

TGW Logistics has partnered with consumer electronics companies operating in the B2C and B2B sectors.

Start Your Automation Journey With TGW Logistics

Take your consumer electronics operation to the next level and bring your business goals into focus. Our high-performance automated systems turn logistics challenges into growth opportunities.


Speak With An Expert

Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics

Erich Schlenkrich

Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods

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TGW Logistics est une entreprise appartenant à une fondation dont le siège se trouve en Autriche et qui est un leader mondial de l'automatisation des entrepôts et de la logistique d'entreposage. En tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes reconnu, fort de plus de 50 ans d'expérience, nous fournissons des services de bout en bout clé en main : conception, fabrication, installation et maintenance de centres de préparation des commandes alimentés par la mécatronique, la robotique et des solutions logicielles avancées. Avec plus de 4 500 employés répartis entre l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Amérique du Nord, nous combinons l'expertise, l'innovation et un dévouement focalisé sur le client pour aider votre entreprise à se développer. Avec TGW Logistics, vous avez la possibilité de transformer la logistique de votre entrepôt en un avantage concurrentiel.