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Stable Site Performance

Spare Parts Services

Spare Parts Services for Top System Performance 

Minimize Downtime With Specialized Support

A seamless warehouse automation system requires ongoing care and attention, including the timely replacement or repair of malfunctioning or worn-out components. Our Spare Parts Services provide the logistics support you need to minimize downtime and keep your system running at peak performance.

We don’t just deliver spare parts – we ensure fast, reliable logistics maintenance is possible, allowing you to focus on achieving business success.

Discover the Spare Parts Service That Meets Your Needs 

Custom Packages

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have spare automation parts on hand when you need them. Our spare parts packages are customized to meet your system’s unique requirements, and backup components are placed at your site for immediate availability.

TGW Logistics experts create your spare parts package based on your system’s design and operational needs. We consider the importance of key components and the failure probability of built-in parts. Proactively equipping your facility with essential spare parts ensures you maintain seamless operations so you can achieve your business goals with confidence.

Express Ordering

Time is of the essence when a system component fails unexpectedly. We provide fast logistics support with thousands of high-quality spare parts ready to ship. Our Service Portal gives you 24/7 ordering access with a virtual representation of your system’s structure, making it easy and intuitive to identify the correct parts.

TGW Logistics’ decentralized warehouses ensure quick delivery of your spare parts. We aim to minimize delays in the ordering and delivery process so you can get your operation back up and running as quickly as possible.

Repair Services

Warehouse automation parts that break don’t always need to be replaced. Our repair services extend the life of your components and get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. TGW Logistics experts will determine the cause of the part defect, provide a cost estimate, and show you the cost savings compared to purchasing a new part.

Opting for site maintenance instead of part replacement saves money and promotes a more sustainable system by making the most of existing equipment. Our repaired parts are backed by a new warranty, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected costs and operational interruptions.

Maximize System Performance With Expert Logistics Support

At TGW Logistics, we remain by your side and support your operational success. Put our Spare Parts Services to work for you and enjoy seamless system performance.

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TGW Logistics est une entreprise appartenant à une fondation dont le siège se trouve en Autriche et qui est un leader mondial de l'automatisation des entrepôts et de la logistique d'entreposage. En tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes reconnu, fort de plus de 50 ans d'expérience, nous fournissons des services de bout en bout clé en main : conception, fabrication, installation et maintenance de centres de préparation des commandes alimentés par la mécatronique, la robotique et des solutions logicielles avancées. Avec plus de 4 500 employés répartis entre l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Amérique du Nord, nous combinons l'expertise, l'innovation et un dévouement focalisé sur le client pour aider votre entreprise à se développer. Avec TGW Logistics, vous avez la possibilité de transformer la logistique de votre entrepôt en un avantage concurrentiel.