Moving Groceries
Smart Warehouse Automation Designed for the Grocery Industry
Logistics Automation Tailored for your Grocery Operations
In today’s competitive grocery landscape, it’s essential to deliver a seamless shopping experience tailored to your customers’ preferences. TGW Logistics provides flexible supply chain automation solutions that empower you to scale your operation, expand your product range, and offer a wide selection of fresh, high-quality products.
Discover how we can streamline your grocery logistics processes to enhance customer satisfaction and strengthen your customer loyalty.
Over 50 Years of Grocery Logistics Expertise
For over half a century, TGW Logistics has been helping grocery companies automate their supply chains with state-of-the-art technology and innovative thinking. We have the knowledge and experience to provide scalable, tailored solutions for retail and ecommerce operations, enabling you to stay competitive and future-proof your systems to embrace growth in a low-margin environment.
Our experts collaborate closely with your team to identify the appropriate level of warehouse automation for your business, helping you reduce operational costs, improve service speed, and ensure the handling and delivery of high-quality goods.

Logistics Solutions for Unique Grocery Challenges
The grocery industry must keep up with increasing product variety, growing consumer demand, and sustainability. As your trusted partner, we help you navigate these complexities with logistics automation for any environment. Whether dealing with dry goods, fresh produce, or frozen items, our systems work seamlessly in all temperature zones to achieve efficient operations across every link in your supply chain.
From initial planning to full implementation, we deliver tailored, end-to-end solutions. We also support your ongoing success with proactive maintenance, immediate support, spare parts, modernization, and employee training.

Control Your Supply Chain
Our modular systems give you complete control over your supply chain and sales channels. From goods receipt and storage to picking and order fulfillment to outbound, TGW Logistics’ automated solutions help you adapt to evolving market demands.
We offer a comprehensive line of mechatronic, robotic, and software solutions. Our experts work closely with your team to optimize warehouse space and improve system efficiency, helping you streamline your operation and drive scalable growth.
TGW Logistics Makes Evolution Possible
Stay ahead of the competition with our warehouse automation solutions for your grocery fulfillment center. As your trusted partner, we’ll set you up for success today and help future-proof your operation for growth.
Satisfied Customers
Learn how we implemented grocery logistics solutions to help our clients reach their immediate and long-term goals.
Speak With An Expert

Michael Schedlbauer
Vice President Business Development Grocery
TGW Logistics est une entreprise appartenant à une fondation dont le siège se trouve en Autriche et qui est un leader mondial de l'automatisation des entrepôts et de la logistique d'entreposage. En tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes reconnu, fort de plus de 50 ans d'expérience, nous fournissons des services de bout en bout clé en main : conception, fabrication, installation et maintenance de centres de préparation des commandes alimentés par la mécatronique, la robotique et des solutions logicielles avancées. Avec plus de 4 500 employés répartis entre l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Amérique du Nord, nous combinons l'expertise, l'innovation et un dévouement focalisé sur le client pour aider votre entreprise à se développer. Avec TGW Logistics, vous avez la possibilité de transformer la logistique de votre entrepôt en un avantage concurrentiel.