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Wheels, bolts and a chain that represent technical spare parts Wheels, bolts and a chain that represent technical spare parts
3000 Totes Per Hour

Bileko Car Parts
& TGW Logistics

Industrial Logistics


Strängnäs, Sweden




2012年,Mekonomen收购了其前竞争对手MECA。到2015年,两家公司决定整合物流资源,将MECA的Eskilstuna仓库整合到位于Strängnäs的Mekonomen仓库。该仓库占地面积达30,000 平方米,距斯德哥尔摩西南部约一小时车程。整合的同时还进行了扩建,以构建一个灵活、经济高效的先进供应链体系。Mekonomen是瑞典和挪威市场上备件、工具和车间设备的领先品牌,而Bileko汽车配件则承担其运营工作。


PickCenter One

订单箱的拣选在 PickCenter One工作站进行,这简化了拆包/重新打包、拣选和包装流程,不受订单规模或员工人数的影响。因此,Bileko汽车配件能够灵活应对不同规模和波动性的订单,有效提升订单处理效率,同时让员工将更多时间投入到其他工作任务中。

Stingray 多穿系统

拣选完成后,订单箱通过TGW物流的Stingray多穿系统进行合单。该系统配置 100 台多穿小车,共4个巷道,58 层货架, 108000 个货位,每小时最高可处理 3000 个料箱,确保了发货流程的高效顺畅。


Bileko汽车配件与TGW物流签订了一份为期五年的终身服务合同,服务内容包括驻场服务、PLC 控制相关的远程支持、WCS和WMS,以及备件。在工作日的07:00到20:30 之间,现场由 3 名 TGW 驻场工程师负责监控和维护。英国的远程专家支持团队提供控制相关的支持,WCS/WMS 则由 Else 提供并维护 。

Highlights of Bileko’s Logistics Solutions

  • Smart Solutions for Productivity

    The new system ensures better industrial logistics and higher productivity across all three order types. The end-to-end workflow integration means better productivity and decreases lead times.


  • Single-Item-Picking: An Ideal Omni-Channel Solution

    The TGW Logistics FlashPick system manages the fulfillment of small parts orders. Order cartons are created at ergonomic PickCenter One workstations, consolidated via the shuttle system, and manually released to outbound. At the same time, large, bulky products are manually picked, and all orders are consolidated.

    This leads to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better customer service.





Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics

Erich Schlenkrich

Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods

TGW Logistics is a foundation-owned company headquartered in Austria and a global leader in warehouse automation and warehouse logistics. As a trusted systems integrator with more than 50 years of experience, we deliver end-to-end services: designing, implementing, and maintaining fulfillment centers powered by mechatronics, robotics, and advanced software solutions. With over 4,500 employees spanning Europe, Asia, and North America, we combine expertise, innovation, and a customer-centric dedication to help keep your business growing. With TGW Logistics, it's possible to transform your warehouse logistics into a competitive advantage.