We looked for a systems integrator, covering as many aspects as possible. TGW offered all these features. They were able to implement the entire solution.
& TGW Logistics
TGW Logistics automatiza el sistema de preparación de pedidos de Kärcher, fabricante de equipos de limpieza
Reaching Kärcher’s Fulfillment Milestones
Kärcher es uno de los principales fabricantes mundiales de equipos de limpieza. Desde su centro de distribución en Alemania, garantiza el envío rápido de más de 60.000 repuestos y accesorios a clientes de todo el mundo.
El crecimiento de Kärcher, junto con la ampliación de su gama de productos y la necesidad de atender directamente a los clientes finales, exigió un nuevo enfoque para su centro en 2009. Para afrontar este reto, Kärcher confió en TGW Logistics, que automatizó su logística de almacenes y optimizó la preparación de pedidos de repuestos, mejorando así la eficiencia de sus operaciones.
Rapid growth, an increasing product range, and a demand to supply directly to end customers necessitated a new concept for their center in 2009. Kärcher turned to TGW Logistics to automate their warehouse logistics and optimize spare parts fulfillment.
Our Objectives
- Reduce lead times to 30 minutes
- Synchronize different picking areas
- Increase storage capacity by 40%
- Reduce picking error rate from 10% to 0.01%
Rapid growth, an increasing product range, and a demand to supply directly to end customers necessitated a new concept for their center in 2009. Kärcher turned to TGW Logistics to automate their warehouse logistics and optimize spare parts fulfillment.
Our Objectives
- Reduce lead times to 30 minutes
- Synchronize different picking areas
- Increase storage capacity by 40%
- Reduce picking error rate from 10% to 0.01%
How TGW Logistics Made it Possible!
To cope with their huge shipment numbers, Kärcher needed to automate warehouse operations, focusing on a faster, more efficient material flow. This meant rethinking their storage, picking, packing, and shipping processes.
Recepción y almacenamiento automatizados con TGW Logistics
La implementación del sistema de miniload automatizado de TGW Logistics añadió cerca de 95.000 ubicaciones de almacenamiento para cubetas. Este sistema cuenta con ocho pasillos de 77 metros de longitud, equipados con máquinas de almacenamiento y recuperación Mustang. Gracias a esta tecnología, los productos se suministran de manera eficiente a las estaciones de picking.
Seamless Order Picking
The smart picking system consists of eight goods-to-person PickCenter workstations. Picking at these ergonomic workstations is done using two alternating source containers. Larger goods are picked in a separate area parallel to the small parts station. An energy efficient shuttle system works as an intermediate buffer to enable order consolidation–cutting shipping costs by reducing the number of packages sent to customers. The automated workstations promote higher order throughput by reducing the amount of walking required by employees. The system also allows for shorter processing times and supports order fulfillment via different channels (dealers, private customers, service installers, and shipment to international warehouses). Finally, the synchronized picking areas increase warehouse capacity, reduce transport costs through order consolidation, and reduce picking errors.
Coordinated Packing and Shipping
The shuttle system delivers small goods in totes to packing workstations. Larger goods are delivered manually. Packing takes place in the afternoon between 12:00-6:00 p.m., so orders are ready for shipment before departure time.
Kärcher & TGW - a perfect Match!
Strengthen Your Warehouse Logistics With Automation
TGW Logistics thinks outside the box to solve supply chain issues and help companies reach short- and long-term goals. Let us turn your vision into a reality.