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Application Process

Your Application Process

Preparation & Implementation

Have we been able to capture your interest in working together with us? If so, we look forward to receiving your application. The following information lets you know what is most useful for a successful start. The more thoroughly prepared you are, the better your chances of getting the corresponding job. In this regard, your personal attitude is at least as important as the application materials.

Application Process

The following application process pertains to the usual procedure at our locations in Austria – the workflow for our international TGW units can vary from this. However, one thing is important no matter the location – In addition to your specialized expertise and willingness to perform, we should make sure that we are compatible on an emotional level and find out if the "chemistry" is right.

1. Application

You can submit an application for the desired position or an unsolicited application directly via our online portal. You will receive a confirmation of receipt upon successful transmission.

2. Initial Interview

If we are interested in learning more about you based on your complete set of application documents, we will invite you to an initial interview so that we can get to know each other. Here, we talk openly about our mutual expectations. In this context, you have the opportunity to learn more about the position and TGW, and you can tell us more about your qualifications and experience.

3. Profile Analysis

If our initial conversation is a positive experience for you and us, we ask that you take the time afterwards to fill in an online questionnaire. This will let us both learn more about your strengths and motivating factors.

4. Second Interview

As part of a second interview, we discuss the results of the online questionnaire mentioned above. You will also get a chance to tour the company's facility and to get to know the team and the workplace.

5. Decision

Now, it's a matter of making the right decision – for you and for us.  We will make every attempt to let you know of our decision as soon as possible, but please be patient, as it may take some time in certain cases.  We should mention that you will receive support from the HR department personnel and the responsible area of the company throughout the application process.

6. First Working Day

On your first day of work, an exciting program awaits you:

Our HR-Teams and colleagues will welcome you at our diverse locations. At our headquarter in Marchtrenk, large Welcome-Events take place on a regular basis, which are accompanied by our management board. We want to enable our new employees to have a comfortable and smooth start at TGW. All relevant information and a tour around our location will be provided, as well as a dive into the world of intralogistics with a sneek peak into the interactive TGW Showroom HELIX, where everyone can experience our solutions and systems.

After that, our new employees will have a successful start within the respective department accompanied by an engaged team.


Good to Know

If you have any questions about the application process, you will receive support from a designated contact person. You will find this person's name listed in the job posting as the Human Resources contact.

What is the best way to put your best foot forward in the interview? The first step is to submit a complete set of required documents (cover letter, résumé, references) and make sure you're well-prepared for an initial interview.

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Como fundación empresarial con sede en Austria, TGW Logistics es líder mundial en automatización y logística de almacenes. Como leal integrador de sistemas, con más de 50 años de experiencia, ofrecemos servicios integrales de diseño, implementación y mantenimiento de centros logísticos, impulsados ​​por mecatrónica, robótica y soluciones avanzadas de software. Con más de 4.500 empleados en Europa, Asia y América del Norte, combinamos experiencia, innovación y dedicación centrada en el cliente para ayudar a que su negocio siga creciendo. Con TGW Logistics, it's possible transformar tu logística de almacenamiento en una ventaja competitiva.

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