TGW Kids: Ferienbetreuung bei der TGW.
22. 七月 2021

TGW 暑托服务

  • 在为期九周的假期里,TGW Marchtrenk 总部为“TGW Kids”提供暑托服务
  • 暑托班大约有70多名儿童
  • 平衡工作和家庭的又一举措,体现了“以人为本 —— 学习和成长”的企业文化

(Marchtrenk, Austria, 22 July 2021) Working parents can find themselves suddenly facing childcare gaps, particularly during the summer when public childcare facilities close. Who will take care of the children during those months? This year, TGW employees can once again spare themselves that question: they simply bring their offspring to work.

For the fifth year in a row, TGW is offering childcare for all nine weeks of the holidays. This offer is well-received among the intralogistics specialist's over 2,000 Austrian employees, as evidenced by the number of enrolments: more than 70 children between the ages of five and eleven are currently spending exciting days at the TGW Evolution Park. "This is another step towards a better balance of work and family, and is part of a whole range of programmes," emphasises Harald Schröpf, CEO of the TGW Logistics Group.

Diving into the world of technology

"We want to give the children a glimpse into their parents' work environment. The child-oriented programme allows them to explore production as well as the training workshops and our Activity Garden. The main focus is the shared experience," affirms TGW Project Manager Bianca Müller. "That way, they learn in a playful manner what it is that TGW actually does as an intralogistics specialist."

Accompanied by the Kinderfreunde Wels-Hausruck's educational staff, the children dive into the world of technology. The programme also includes trips to the outdoor swimming pool, the zoo and theme parks, physical activity, and a visit to the GRAND GARAGE in Linz. The latter is one of the nonprofit projects supported by the TGW Future Private Foundation, owner of the TGW Logistics Group. The topic of holiday childcare also draws attention to that of children's rights.

Company childcare TGW Zwergennest

Additionally, TGW offers year-round in-house childcare for children from one year old to school entrance age. The focus of the nursery, kindergarten and mixed-age groups is on individual growth and encouragement. There are currently around 60 children enrolled in the year-round Zwergennest.

Family-friendly company

Programmes that foster the work-family balance play a central role at TGW, fully in line with our philosophy of "Focusing on People – Learning and Growing". Flexible working hours and a home office model guarantee a high degree of variability in everyday family life. The distribution of 4.1 million Euros in the autumn of 2020 marked the third dual employee participation bonus; employees had the choice between receiving their share in the form of a payout or extra vacation days.

TGW's dedication earned the company the 2020 Upper Austrian state "Felix Familia" award as well as the Austrian state award "Family & Work".

TGW press release

Holiday childcare at TGW
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Holiday childcare

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Der TGW Evolution Park in Machtrenk, Österreich
About TGW


About TGW
