Solutions for Meeting Various Destination Requirements
Customized Warehouse Automation for Foodservice Logistics
The foodservice sector needs dynamic, fast, and flexible solutions to meet the demands of supplying restaurants, convenience stores, canteens, and the entertainment business. In this ever-changing landscape, warehouse automation is more important than ever.
TGW Logistics offers foodservice automation tailored to the unique demands of the foodservice sector and each customer’s specific requirements, whether supplying ingredients for meals, ensuring quality delivery of fresh products, or storing packing material.
Expert Logistics Automation Solutions
Our logistics automation solutions optimize processes, increase efficiency, and ensure high-quality products. We improve operations and lower costs, which in turn leads to better customer service and satisfaction.
Guided by our substantial experience and expertise in warehouse automation, you can overcome the challenges of today’s foodservice sector. We develop tailored solutions for foodservice automation that give you the speed, flexibility, and agility you need to succeed in today’s demanding market environment.
TGW Logistics Makes It Possible
Our food logistics solutions help you navigate a dynamic and challenging market with efficiency and speed. With customized solutions to fit your needs, you have a competitive advantage.
Speak With An Expert
Michael Schedlbauer
Vice President Business Development Grocery
TGW Logistics è un'azienda di proprietà di una fondazione con sede in Austria e leader globale nell'automazione e nella logistica di magazzino. In qualità di system integrator di fiducia con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, offriamo servizi completi: progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di centri di distribuzione avanzati comprensivi di meccatronica, robotica e soluzioni software innovative. Con oltre 4.500 dipendenti in Europa, Asia e Nord America, uniamo competenza, innovazione e un forte orientamento al cliente per supportare la sua crescita. Con TGW Logistics, trasformare la logistica del tuo magazzino in un vantaggio competitivo è possibile.