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Carbboard box travelling on a conveyor belt Carbboard box travelling on a conveyor belt
Efficient Fulfillment

Automation for Full Case Palletizing

Automated Palletizing with Stax

Stax is our product series for the semi-automated or fully automated palletizing of homogenous, in-line, and layer-arranged pallets and roll containers, as well as mixed pallets and roll containers. Automated palletizing robots fully pack products according to a predetermined pattern and prepare them for dispatch.

With Stax, you bypass the tedious manual steps of store replenishment, including those in extreme conditions (e.g., low-temperature refrigeration range). 


  • Thanks to full automation, manual efforts are reduced to nearly zero-touch.
  • With expandable options from semi- to fully automated robotic palletizers, you benefit from flexible adaptation tailored to your needs.
  • Your processes are optimized thanks to direct palletizing onto target loading equipment and completion using integrated foil winders, allowing individual process steps to be omitted entirely.

Product Highlights

  • Loading Fingers: Fast and gentle handling of products according to a density-optimized stacking pattern
  • Integrated Film Wrapping Machine: Optional integration of a film wrapping machine for shipping preparation
  • Pallet Change: Maximum performance thanks to pallet change during wrapping

Overview of Stax Products

Our palletizing modules are available in various configurations, from semi-automated to the more cost-effective layer palletizer to the fully automated palletizing system. The portfolio is complemented by a comprehensive add-on product range.


  • Fully automatic loading of pallets with mixed cartons
  • Load dimensions: up to 787.4 x 609.6 millimeters
  • Performance: up to 750 cartons per hour 


  • Semi-automatic pallet loading (fully automatic provision and manual loading)
  • Cartons, totes, trays
  • Load dimensions: up to 787.4 x 609.6 millimeters
  • Performance: up to 1,200 units per hour 

Multiple-axes Gantry Robot

  • Fully automatic loading using various gripper heads
  • Cartons, totes, trays
  • Can be designed as a gantry with two to five axes
  • Load dimensions: up to 1193.8 x 990.6 millimeters
  • Performance: up to 600 cycles per hour 

Layer Palletizer

  • Fully automatic layer palletizing
  • Cartons, totes, trays
  • Load dimensions: up to 787.4 x 609.6 millimeters
  • Performance: up to 200 layers per hour 


  • Semi-automatic palletizing (automatic provision and manual palletizing)
  • Cartons, totes, trays
  • Load dimensions: up to 787.4 x 609.6 millimeters
  • Performance: up to 1,000 units per hour 

New Levels of Performance with Automation

Contact us to learn more about optimizing your processes and achieving zero-touch efforts with automated palletizing. 

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TGW Logistics è un'azienda di proprietà di una fondazione con sede in Austria e leader globale nell'automazione e nella logistica di magazzino. In qualità di system integrator di fiducia con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, offriamo servizi completi: progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di centri di distribuzione avanzati comprensivi di meccatronica, robotica e soluzioni software innovative. Con oltre 4.500 dipendenti in Europa, Asia e Nord America, uniamo competenza, innovazione e un forte orientamento al cliente per supportare la sua crescita. Con TGW Logistics, trasformare la logistica del tuo magazzino in un vantaggio competitivo è possibile.



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