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Software Developer C#

As a passionate C# software developer with a strong focus on programming and problem-solving, you will take on a wide range of tasks in this role. You will play a crucial role in the development and implementation of software solutions for material flow control.

Belinda Stöckl, Associate Human Resources | TGW Logistics

Belinda Stöckl

Associate Human Resources


  • Design, development and programming of solutions in C# in the logistics environment both classic and object-oriented

  • Analysis and evaluation of the requirements including technical implementation of the interfaces

  • Specification, design, testing and continuous optimization of TGW's own business add-ins as well as ongoing monitoring of in-house developments

  • Regular coordination with the responsible consultants

  • Documentation of processes and developments


  • Successfully completed IT training (HTL, FH/UNI) with a focus on computer science, or comparable IT-related training

  • Experience in C# programming is an advantage

  • Knowledge of HTML5, Vue.js and JavaScript is an advantage

  • Very good knowledge of German and English

  • Analytical mindset and very good conceptual skills


In this position, you can expect the following benefits, among others.

Icon of a laptop and a medal

We offer an attractive salary in line with the market, which can be above the collective agreement depending on qualifications and experience. The minimum gross basic salary based on full-time employment per year is 46.615 Euro

al modulo di candidatura

*TGW è und datore di lavoro che promuove pari opportunità. I nostri bandi di concorso sono rivolti a tutte le persone interessate.


TGW Logistics è un'azienda di proprietà di una fondazione con sede in Austria e leader globale nell'automazione e nella logistica di magazzino. In qualità di system integrator di fiducia con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, offriamo servizi completi: progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di centri di distribuzione avanzati comprensivi di meccatronica, robotica e soluzioni software innovative. Con oltre 4.500 dipendenti in Europa, Asia e Nord America, uniamo competenza, innovazione e un forte orientamento al cliente per supportare la sua crescita. Con TGW Logistics, trasformare la logistica del tuo magazzino in un vantaggio competitivo è possibile.