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Award-Winning Ergonomics

Warehouse Workstations

Prize-Winning Warehouse Workstations

Ergonomics & Performance

No more struggling with fluctuating order levels and workforce challenges—optimize your warehouse workstation setup while prioritizing employee health and safety. Our comprehensive solutions for workstations (including unpacking/repacking, picking, VAS, and packaging) can seamlessly integrate into your workflow. Designed to meet the highest warehouse ergonomics and safety standards, our workstations are endorsed by experts worldwide. In fact, our PickCenter One earned the German Innovationspreis Ergonomie 2019 (Innovation Prize for Ergonomics 2019).

Benefits of Better Warehouse Ergonomic

  • Health & Ease of Use
    Our ergonomically designed manual workstations create an optimal work environment.
  • Flexible Functionality
    Ideal for a variety of tasks like receiving goods, order picking, packing, and delivery preparations.
  • Maximum Durability & Low Costs
    Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) can be guaranteed by proven technologies such as KingDrive, which is part of PickCenter.
  • Versatile Load Handling
    Our warehouse workstations handle every load, including cartons, totes, and trays.

Manual Warehouse Workstations

Extensive product configurations make designing an automated solution to fit your unique warehouse requirements easy. You can easily adapt workstations in our portfolio to fit your operational needs.

Technology Highlights 

Highly ergonomic design

User-friendly arrangement of the control elements and optimized reachability of the items

Target sequenzer

Constant performance of up to 700 picks per hours thanks to direct connection of the target sequencer

Patented curve design

Shortest swap times of source and target totes/cartons thanks to perfect curve design

Products for Your Warehouse Workstation

PickCenter One
  • 1:1 picking workstation
  • Minimal manual effort
  • Constant performance of up to 700 picks per hour
  • Intuitive user guidance
  • Optional weighing function and tilting device
  • Winner of "Innovation Prize for Ergonomics 2019"
PickCenter Multi
  • 1:n picking workstation
  • Low sequencing effort thanks to simultaneous processing of multiple orders
  • Intuitive user guidance via touch display and Put2Light elements
  • Automatic provision of empty containers
  • Flexible solutions for low performance requirements
  • Suitable for loads up to 800x600
  • Intuitive user guidance via touch display and Put2Light elements
  • Optional weighing function and tilting device
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TGW Logistics est une entreprise appartenant à une fondation dont le siège se trouve en Autriche et qui est un leader mondial de l'automatisation des entrepôts et de la logistique d'entreposage. En tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes reconnu, fort de plus de 50 ans d'expérience, nous fournissons des services de bout en bout clé en main : conception, fabrication, installation et maintenance de centres de préparation des commandes alimentés par la mécatronique, la robotique et des solutions logicielles avancées. Avec plus de 4 500 employés répartis entre l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Amérique du Nord, nous combinons l'expertise, l'innovation et un dévouement focalisé sur le client pour aider votre entreprise à se développer. Avec TGW Logistics, vous avez la possibilité de transformer la logistique de votre entrepôt en un avantage concurrentiel.