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TGW completes successful implementation of a highly automated fulfillment center for Victoria’s Secret & Co.

  • Over the past months, a showcase project was constructed in Columbus, Ohio for the world-renowned lingerie brand
  • The high-performance picking solution, powered by the TGW FlashPick® system, can ship up to 225,000 orders to customers per day
  • TGW Warehouse Software plans, controls, monitors and optimizes all picking processes

Marchtrenk, 29 May 2023) - Recently, TGW North America celebrated another historic milestone: the warehouse automation specialist partnered with leading intimates specialty retailer, Victoria’s Secret & Co., on a highly automated fulfillment center. The showcase project in Columbus, Ohio is impressive not only due to its size but also because it sets new standards in performance and flexibility.

TGW Warehouse Software controls all picking processes

Victoria’s Secret & Co. is the world’s largest intimates specialty retailer offering a wide assortment of modern, fashion-inspired collections including signature bras, panties, lingerie, casual sleepwear and athleisure, as well as award-winning prestige fragrances and body care. Victoria's Secret & Co. will use the new fulfilment hub in Columbus for sending out online orders to customers across the United States. In order to ensure short lead times, quick delivery and high quality of service, the fashion label has invested in a powerful fulfillment solution.

With the FlashPick® system for automatic order fulfillment, online orders can be picked efficiently and with a high degree of variability. The TGW Warehouse Software handles the planning, control, monitoring and optimization of all picking processes. The modular software structure covers not only storage management within the TGW shuttle, but also order release, inventory sequencing, picking flow control and visualization.

Up to 225,000 orders per day

At peak times, the agile FlashPick® system can handle up to 640,000 picks per day, along with an automated pick-to-light system handling 360,000 picks per day. The fulfillment center’s high-performance core element is a shuttle system with usable storage locations where Stingray shuttle vehicles handle the fully automated storage and retrieval of goods. Orders are then compiled at manual PickCenter One workstations as well as one robotic PickCenter Rovolution.

"The completion of the automated fulfillment distribution center solution for Victoria's Secret & Co. represents another milestone for TGW in North America," reports Rhett Williamson, Chief Operating Officer of TGW North America. "This once again highlights our expertise and our experience in the successful implementation of large and complex projects."

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TGW Logistics est une entreprise appartenant à une fondation dont le siège se trouve en Autriche et qui est un leader mondial de l'automatisation des entrepôts et de la logistique d'entreposage. En tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes reconnu, fort de plus de 50 ans d'expérience, nous fournissons des services de bout en bout clé en main : conception, fabrication, installation et maintenance de centres de préparation des commandes alimentés par la mécatronique, la robotique et des solutions logicielles avancées. Avec plus de 4 500 employés répartis entre l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Amérique du Nord, nous combinons l'expertise, l'innovation et un dévouement focalisé sur le client pour aider votre entreprise à se développer. Avec TGW Logistics, vous avez la possibilité de transformer la logistique de votre entrepôt en un avantage concurrentiel.