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[Translate to China:] Visibly frozen, fresh goods such as fruits and vegetables in a colorful selection [Translate to China:] Visibly frozen, fresh goods such as fruits and vegetables in a colorful selection
Fully automated solution

Coop & TGW Logistics

Grocery Logistics


Schafisheim, Switzerland


瑞士食品杂货零售商Coop的沙菲海姆中央冷冻配送中心负责向全国的零售门店供货。鉴于在极端低温环境中工作对员工来说是一项巨大挑战,Coop选择了我们的先进仓库自动化技术作为解决方案。我们的技术能够支持不同温度区域的设置,以适应各类易腐商品的储存需求。遵循“适温处理”原则,我们对温度控制进行了细致划分:拆码垛作业区的温度为 -5°C,而托盘库和穿梭车立体仓库的温度则降至 -23°C。这种紧凑的设计和高效的设备配置不仅显著降低了能源成本,还有效减轻了员工的工作压力。


  • 节省空间、降低能耗:系统设计紧凑,实现供应链的最大化优化。货物存放于冷库的高密度货架上,最大程度降低了需要制冷的空间,有效降低了能源成本。
  • 门店友好、体积优化的包装:自动码垛机器人能够根据预设的最优模式,对即将发货的门店订单进行码垛,从而节省空间,降低运输成本。同时,码垛模式根据特定的门店而生成,便于店铺员工在上架商品时更加轻松、高效。


TGW 物流提供的一站式解决方案全面而高效,涵盖了从冷冻货物的拆垛、穿梭车系统存储,直至对纸箱进行排序和混合码垛的全流程自动化操作。

[Translate to China:] large pallets of frozen goods on a conveyor belt in a warehouse [Translate to China:] large pallets of frozen goods on a conveyor belt in a warehouse

货物由外部供应商或相应仓库的生产工厂用托盘装载运达。在 -23°C 的环境下,为零售门店准备的商品存放在高达40m 的高架库中。该托盘库有多个巷道, 共17,000 个储位。

[Translate to China:] Aisle in a shuttle warehouse, on the right and left you can see the compartments in which goods are stored [Translate to China:] Aisle in a shuttle warehouse, on the right and left you can see the compartments in which goods are stored

三台Splitex 拆垛机器人,实现全自动拆垛,并按需向穿梭车仓库补货。一旦某种商品低于最低库存水平,就会自动从托盘库中取出并送到拆垛区。在 -23°C 的温度下,Stingray 穿梭车每小时可以存取数千个纸箱,并按序输送到码垛工作站。

[Translate to China:]  Goods stacked in boxes on roll containers [Translate to China:]  Goods stacked in boxes on roll containers

Human workers find manual picking of goods for store orders challenging, especially in a deep freeze area. Therefore, Coop has opted for fully automated mixed-case palletizing: Autostax palletizing robots stack cartons in an optimized and store-friendly manner on roll cages at -5°C. The roll cages are automatically wrapped and forwarded to the shipping area. This has made Coop’s cold chain logistics process efficient and people-friendly. 

Stay ahead of your competition through automation!

Speak with one of our representatives today to learn how automation by TGW Logistics transforms businesses into profitable enterprises that outpace the competition. 

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Michael Schedlbauer, Vice President Business Development Grocery | TGW Logistics Michael Schedlbauer, Vice President Business Development Grocery | TGW Logistics

Michael Schedlbauer

Vice President Business Development Grocery

TGW Logistics is a foundation-owned company headquartered in Austria and a global leader in warehouse automation and warehouse logistics. As a trusted systems integrator with more than 50 years of experience, we deliver end-to-end services: designing, implementing, and maintaining fulfillment centers powered by mechatronics, robotics, and advanced software solutions. With over 4,500 employees spanning Europe, Asia, and North America, we combine expertise, innovation, and a customer-centric dedication to help keep your business growing. With TGW Logistics, it's possible to transform your warehouse logistics into a competitive advantage.